The app developers seem to have given up on this app so I’ll give it a week before i delete it for good. Enter the username, email address, or phone number associated with your account. To request support from Instagram: On the login screen, tap Get help logging in. If you're unable to recover your account with the login link we sent to you, you may be able to request support from us. Sometimes if our bot-detection system gives us warning we ask for additional human verification. We connect with database containing passwords and decrypt it for you. We show desired profile and ask you to make sure we found right profile.
Logged out to try to fix the issue and now I can’t log back in. Instagram Spring Cleaning - Removing Bots + Fake Followers - YouTube. Request a security code or support from Instagram. We connect with Instagram servers to make sure we can decrypt password of desired account.
Latest update has the app crashing every few minutes.
Generally, these accounts have been created by an application referred as a ‘bot’ a piece of software that automatically goes through the Instagram sign-up process in order to send spam messages and comments to other users. Update: continued using the app for a few months because why not, I paid for it might as well, and it’s absolutely trash now. On Instagram, ghost followers are fake or inactive users who don’t engage with any of the content you create. Used to really love this app and use it all the time, even paid for unlimited coins so I could continue to use the app as frequently as I want but I’m thinking of just finding a new and better app to use. You can analyze and detect fake accounts on Instagram. You can see how that can be an Inconvenience. FakeFinder allows you to use Instagram more effective and reliable. The app doesn’t run in the background, so if you wanna have a bunch of profiles unfollowed, or what may have you, you have to leave the app open for loooonnng amounts of time or continue to come back to the app. Used to be able to do about 80 at once before I had to wait 5 minutes and now I can only do about 15. SPEEDHUNTERS wrote 'Hey, I heard you like to block bots So I made you a bot for your bot that blocks bots' Yeah very confusing, cant you just manually do it Im sure it wont take that long lol.funny, it actually will take long because my other 400 followers is mixed up with the 100 bots. The number of pictures you can unlike as well as profiles you can unfollow has significantly decreased.

In addition to these features, you can audit the influencers bot followers. Used to be able to see usernames of whoever you want to follow/unfollow but now it just shows their profile picture. Detect fake accounts, fake instagram posts.